I was away on business last week, but here is the (belated) summary of last week's news:
Global Happenings
Malaria Adversely Affects Over 70 Percent of African Business
07/27 Voice of America
A new study says over 70 percent of African business are adversely affected by malaria, with nearly 40 percent reporting serious consequences. The report – Business and Malaria: A Neglected Threat – was released Thursday by the Global Health Initiative of the World Economic Forum.
Hong Kong Smog Hurts Business
08/28 Wall Street Journal
The smog hanging over Hong Kong is threatening more than the views of its famous setting: Air pollution is making the city less attractive to foreign investors and is driving some executives out.
Behind the Loom
Sep/Oct Utne Magazine
Rugmark is a six-country international nonprofit whose smiling rug label has been assuring customers since 1995 that their purchases didn't cost any kids their childhoods. Each label carries a number that can be traced back to its origin loom in India, Pakistan, or Nepal.
Green News
TerraPass launches partnership with Expedia
08/28 TerraBlog
Expedia and TerraPass have partnered in a program to offer carbon-offsetting Flight TerraPasses to travelers when they buy plane tickets.
Dual-Fuel Vehicles Open Mileage Loophole for Carmakers
08/31 New York Times
As car companies promote E-85 as an alternative to gasoline, they are benefiting at the same time from a loophole that allows them to receive credits toward environmental standards when they sell flexible-fuel vehicles.
Fill Up On Corn If You Can
08/31 New York Times
To assess just how efforts to help E-85 catch on were going, a New York Times reporter drove through the region where its popularity is greatest. He found that despite all the good will, success is far from assured.
How green is your Apple? E-waste
08/26 The Economist
Not very, according to Greenpeace. Disposing of computers, monitors, printers and mobile phones is a large and growing environmental problem.
Employment, Investing, Consuming
Green Century Equity Fund Seeks Shareowner Okay to Continue Tracking Domini Social Index
08/30 SocialFunds.com
The fund also announced its intention to lower the expense ratio for the fund with aim of enlarging the fund’s investor base.
How Insurers Are (and Are Not) Tackling Climate Risk
08/30 SocialFunds.com
A new report from Ceres identifies almost 200 activities recently introduced by insurers to address climate change, but calls for further industry action.
The Future of Labor Unions: People of Color and Women
09/01 Diversity Inc
Can labor unions survive? Not if their leaders don't represent them.
Fulla Flap
Sep/Oct Utne Magazine
A Muslim Barbie has her own trendy accessories and cultural baggage.
'Small-Marts' take on Wal-Mart
08/30 Fortune Magazine
Small, local groups nationwide are fighting back against big business and helter-skelter globalization.
CSR Strategy and Education
New publication guides small businesses on a better business journey
08/29 Business in the Community
The UK Small Business Consortium launched a guide to help small and medium sized businesses find their way on a better business journey.
Communicating business responsibility - Learning a new language
08/31 Ethical Corporation
Company chiefs need to do more than just give the speeches prepared by their corporate responsibility departments. They need to properly engage with their stakeholders and not just pay lip service.
Business and short-termism - Why investor taxation is the solution
08/11 Ethical Corporation
The Business Roundtable (together with the CFA Centre for Market Integrity) just released a report that finally takes seriously the problem of short-termism that plagues American business and finance. The Conference Board published a similar report in April. It’s about time.
California Plan To Cut Gases Splits Industry
09/01 New York Times
California is once again at the forefront of the nation's environmental policy, with a far-reaching pledge to curb carbon emissions by 2020. But the deal struck between Democratic legislators and the Republican governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has divided businesses and industries in California.
California businesses face cap on greenhouse gas output.
09/01 Financial Times
Businesses in California began to grapple with the need to reduce their greenhouse gases yesterday following a deal on legislation that would mean mandatory caps on emissions for energy-intensive industries in the state.
Congressman aims to eliminate SUV tax breaks
08/30 MarketWatch
Tax breaks benefiting buyers of sports-utility vehicles fly in the face of a good energy policy and are costing American taxpayers billions of dollars a year, according to a report from Rep. Edward Markey.
Fowl Play
08/04 Forbes
If you can't nail a polluter for stinking up the countryside, go after him over a disclosure technicality. Is this fair?
Corporations in the News
India: Behind The Scare Over Pesticides In Pepsi And Coke
09/04 BusinessWeek
Fearless researchers nail two big, bad American multinationals selling toxic soda to India's masses? Get Bollywood on the line! But are these companies being unfairly targeted because they're outsiders?
Comment: BP is deserving of censure, but not a vendetta
09/01 Financial Times The fiasco in Alaska could spell serious trouble for BP, as the US Congress begins hearings. It is easy to cheer them on and urge them to take drastic actions against this corporate wrong doer. We should move beyond this knee-jerk reaction.
How Many Lightbulbs Does it Take to Change the World? One. And You're Looking At It.
Sept. Fast Company
For years, compact fluorescent bulbs have promised dramatic energy savings--yet they remain a mere curiosity. That's about to change.
Reports out this week
- SAS Group: http://www.sasgroup.net/SASGROUP_IR/CMSForeignContent/2005eng.pdf
- The Ministry of Defence (UK) has published its second Sustainable Development Annual Report, which can be found at: www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/AboutDefence/WhatWeDo/HealthandSafety/DSC/DsandcEnvironmentSustainableDevelopmentDocumentLibrary.htm
- Ford Motor Company releases 2005/6 Sustainability Report: http://www.ford.com/go/sustainability